Family | Apples |
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About Cortland Apples
Cortland apples were developed by the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, New York in 1898 and introduced to the market in 1915. It is a cross of McIntosh and Ben Davis apples and is among the 15 most popular American apple varieties. The trees are well suited to freezing temperatures and are grown throughout the northeast and in Quebec and Ontario. Cortland apples have a crimson color against a yellow background and can be sprinkled with short dark stripes. The white flesh is resistant to browning after cutting. A harvest of Cortland apples is typical for mid-late September through October.
Compared to McIntosh apples, Cortlands are quite sweet while still retaining the tart characters associated with McIntosh-type apples. With a crisp interior, Cortland apples are typically around 12.5% sugar at ripeness.
Being resistant to browning makes this a great apple for slicing, thus making it well-suited for baking in apple dumplings, tarts, or pies. Cortland apples also make for a good salad topping or fruit kabob and apple slaw.